Huh! Finally Exams are Over and its time for an Exciting blog post on Writing Engaging Blog Post Ever! Well Internet is all about reading articles and get knowledge but that makes it very difficult to get people to read your posts only. So That’s why making blog post engaging is too important, hence Reader engagement is must. Therefore you cant say your blog is successful unless until your posts are shared, commented, liked and readable. Hence writing engaging posts, ones that draw the reader in and invite them to join the conversation in the comments area. Articles with zero comments and not shared are worthless, So today I am going to write on How to Create an Engaging Blog Post in full details.
Top 5+ Tips to Write an Engaging Blog Post that Speaks itself
1. Write for Readers not for Search Engines
One of the most important thing is to write articles for your beloved Readers not for Search Engine to gain temporary traffic in less time. This should be done by making blog posts too much SEO riched and extra exceptional. In simple words, Your readers want to feel like you are writing to them, not just attracting traffic from Google by making posts fake and not working. Being focused on your readers as you write is one of the top ways to write in a way that engages them and makes them want to comment on your article.
2. Ask Questions in the Article
Second Method is Why not you Ask Questions in your article? By Asking Questions, you are forcing your readers to comment and share your posts inside. This method will also help you to increase the interest of your readers and they will not feel boring. Make your readers answer your questions in the comment section and thus Invite your readers to engage with you on your topic.
3. Tell your Real Story
Always make an habit to tell the truth and share your Real Story, Don’t tell fake stories or news to get affiliate commission, traffic or something else. Real Stories force your real visitors to comment and trust on your article. There’s also an disadvantage of telling fake stories is that your readers wont believe on you anymore. So have an guts to share the true and focus on it.
4. Don’t Copy Paste
Another thing is that Never adopt the technique of Copy-Paste. Copy Paste let your blog go down in search engines and in the eyes of people as well. Hence Copy Paste saves your time but ultimately ban your blog/site from Google and other search engines. It also reduce the trust of your readers also and they wont listen/read/come back to your blog anymore.
5. Write more than 1000 Words
After the Hummingbird Algorithm, Its better to write long, In-Depth and Quality 1000 words article each. I know it takes time but worth the effort done. In fact, Google loves long and original content thus favors that blog more than other. Try to write detailed article consists of beautiful images, headlines and decorate main keyword etc.
6. Share it on Social Media
Now a days Social Media Sites like Facebook, Google plus and Twitter are must! Neither they offer us more traffic, in fact they also increase our blog engagement level. So sharing your blog posts on Social Media Websites helps us to gain more traffic along with more comments and sharing. Without this, your blog is no more exists and decrease the relationship among different bloggers etc.
That’s it! Enjoy and Please share + bookmark If you Like…