About Blogging Ways:-
Blogging Ways is one of the fastest growing Technology Blog ever related to Blogging, SEO, Make Money Online, Social Media, WordPress, Tech News, Internet Marketing, Web Designing plus Computer/Mobile tips and tricks. It was founded in July 2012 by Karan Singh Chauhan. Currently BW has Alexa rank over 10k and a Page Rank 2 Blog with vast community of subscribers and readers. Now a days Blogging Ways is receiving over 50,000 monthly uniques and majority of the Traffic to coming from search engines. We have around 1k+ likes at Facebook and over 2k growing followers at Twitter etc.
To Learn more about us, then please click here.
Why should you Guest Post at Blogging Ways?- Guest Posting Benefits!
1. Getting Backlinks : Though we believe Bloggers don’t guest blog for backlinks alone, yet we appreciate their contribution to BW by allowing them to use 2 of their own links on their guest post. You can use one link on the Author bio and you can link your existing article inside the body. We don’t accept “Keyword” links and we’ll remove it. Please remember I have the right to modify the links if they don’t cope with this.
2. Promotion : Your guest post will be promoted on various social networks and we will maximize our efforts to improve your brand.
3. Author bio : Every Guest Author will have separate ‘Author bio’ box. You can maximize this opportunity by promoting your Identity or brand.
4. Drive Quality Traffic : Traffic is one of the most important aspect of blogging. Thus by submitting guest posts here you will be able to drive traffic and exposure to your sites at large scale. Enjoy!
5. Make Money : Yes we do pay our writers via PayPal if they are willing to write for us forever and deliver such nice and quality articles.
6. Interact & Engage : Majority of BW readers are bloggers or geeks, so you get a chance to interact & engage with them. You can also build your audience & readers through this.
7. Be Popular : Yes you heard it true, Guest Blogging at here makes you popular also and you will be treated as celebrity in less than no time.
8. Finally Improve your Writing skills : This is a hidden fact but true. Although many bloggers don’t reminder about it as they don’t know that writing articles also improves their literature and writing skills which would be very helpful to them in future.
Keep Note: Remember, all the links on Blogging Ways are Do Follow. Yep, we also love our Commentators that’s why we place TOP COMMENTATORS WIDGET here on our Blog.
Guest Posting Guidelines:
1.Proper and original content : Your article must be fresh, original, unique, long (minimum 500 words) and free from grammatical mistakes.
2. Your Guest Post should be related to the topic like Blogging, SEO, Make Money, Social Media, Technology, WordPress, Computer/Mobile tips and tricks, Any Other News, Internet Marketing, Useful Software’s, Web Development etc.
3. Copyright : We respect everyone work. In case we found out that you have copied post from somewhere. This will lead to instant ban and removal of all your blog posts and comments from Blogging Ways. Also by submitting post here, you give us the copyright ownership of the post. This helps us to deal with any kind of DMCA related issues.
4. No Affiliate link : We understand you want to make money but not this way out by adding your affiliate links in your Guest post at here.
5. You are strictly not allowed to add any type of links to your guest post for Self Promotion as we are already putting your info at the bottom of your post with 1 of your links.
6. Please do connect to external sources when needed ( provide open new tab option while linking to external sites).
7. Comments : Comments are the conversation and when your article is published. Try to answer any query related to your article via comments. This will give you more exposure and help readers.
8. Images and Videos : Please include images and videos where necessary relevant to your guest post content. This will make out your blog post more attractive and good looking.
9. No keyword-based anchor links.
Please, note that there is a difference between guest posts and sponsored posts. Guest posts are generally written by other bloggers and sponsored posts are written by, or on behalf of, a company or organization to advertise a free or paid service. If you want to do a sponsorship then please contact us. We may not accept posts written on behalf of your company or client except you agree it’s a sponsored post.
That’s it!
How to Submit Guest Post?
1. First of all Fill up our Registration form at here and agree to Blogging Ways Privacy Policy.
2. Now click on Register and a password would be emailed you shortly to login.
3. That’s it! Now you are a contributor of our site and create a beautiful post to submit for review.
Just Email Us at Bloggingways@gmail.com to Submit a Guest Post from you. After the review is done by one of our Experts, we will shortly Contact you or Publish your Guest post at our website. Thanks and Have a Great Day. Cheers!