Having your own website or blog is one of the most profitable things you could do nowadays. If done correctly and with the appropriate tools, you can drastically increase your income and enhance your budget. Nevertheless, this is no easy task. Without the basic knowledge or tools to actually drive a significant amount of traffic to your website your earnings will be almost nonexistent. Lucky for you, there´s a tool that can immensely increase your website´s traffic and thus, your profits. Stick around for a little bit of information about Webtexttool and how it works.
What is Webtexttool?
You might be wondering: what on Earth is this thing called Webtexttool? This miraculous program is a tool designed to assist anyone who wants to create a successful website without SEO knowledge. Webtexttool allows inexpert copywriters and freelancers to generate quality content without worrying about the keywords.
All you have to do is insert the keyword that you want to use in your article or composition and Webtexttool will take care of the rest. While you type, the program will evaluate if the keyword density in your article is optimal for a high amount of traffic.
Salient Features-
Given that this tool is mainly oriented for people who aren´t especially knowledgeable about SEO, it has countless features in order to optimize their websites. Webtexttool will guide you through every necessary step in order for you to have a fully optimized website or blog.
1. Keyword research
Before writing the content for your website you first have to find the research you want to include in order to optimize your site. Don´t worry though, Webtexttool will also assist you with this issue. The platform will recommend you relevant keywords for your composition. In only one click, Webtexttool will provide you with valuable keyword insights for your text.
2. Live SEO optimization
Now that it´s time to start writing, Webtexttool will make sure your composition is fully optimized for SEO. You can write freely without worries and the platform will provide you with useful tips in order to enhance the optimization of your writing. This enables the user to have the perfect keyword density without too much effort. Webtexttool will display the percentage in which you text meets the requirements for it to be fully optimized. It will check if you have included your keyword in the main sections of your composition. Based on the recommendations that Webtexttool will provide you can adjust your text to your liking.
3. Import & export
Additionally, you can import text that has been already written by pasting the URL of the page that you want to optimize. If you get a Silver or Gold subscription you will also be able to export your optimized composition to your website. Alternatively, you can export your text to Microsoft word so that you can them post it or send it to whoever you desire.
4. Collaborate efficient
But wait, there´s more! A new feature called the team-account allows a group of people to edit the same document simultaneously. This feature is created to provide an easier group work experience. This feature was created because we noticed just how important group work is in every company.
5. Free account
Perhaps one of the best features Webtexttool provides is the free account. The page lets you start a free trial in order for you to decide whether you fancy the tool or not. Moreover, you will be able to learn how to use the tool like an expert before purchasing a silver or gold account.
There are different types of accounts which all provide a certain amount of features for the users. Needless to say, the better the account, the more features you will have. Here it is-
- Store 1 apge
- 1 project
- Basic SEO rules
Bronze (€4.95)
- Store 10 pages
- 2 projects
- Full SEO rules
- Text analyses
- Accessibility checker
Silver (€9.95
- Store 100 pages
- 25 projects
- Full SEO rules
- Text analyses
- Accessibility checker
- Export your content
- Import your content
- Page versioning
Gold (€14.95)
- Store 500 pages
- 100 projects
- Full SEO rules
- Text Analyses
- Accessibility checker
- Export your content
- Import your content
- Page versioning
How to use Webtexttool?
One of the greatest things about Webtexttool is the fact that it is incredibly user-friendly and easy to use.
The first thing you need to do in order to start using Webtexttool is to register there and then create a project. This basically is the project which will be optimized. In each project you can have a certain number of different pages.
The next thing you have to do is select the keyword you have chosen and start typing. Just select the option to edit your page and you are set. Webtexttool will take care of assuring that the keyword density of your composition is optimal and effective. The tool will check if the keyword is located in the most important sections:
- Page title
- Meta description
- H1 heading and H2-H6
- Bold and Italic
- Minimum number of words: 200
If you composition meets the requirements from above, a green check will appear besides each one of them.
This tool is probably the most useful copywriters and entrepreneurs will find. Gone are the days in which you had to spend hours researching about SEO to create your website. Webtexttool is revolutionizing the way SEO works.
That’s it! Please post your comments if you have any doubts.
- €4.95 PM
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Thanks Kuldeep Bro.
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So I satisfied this content.
Webtexttool is a content optimization platform that assists users in improving the quality and SEO-friendliness of their written content. It offers a range of features designed to enhance the effectiveness of web content, including website copy, blog posts, and articles.
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