Well everybody knows that Google AdSense is one of the highest paying Ad publishing network ever in this world. Their CPC are amazing and generates much more high revenue than any other publisher network online. Google AdSense pays you via check, wire and transfer at the minimum threshold of $100 on the basis of CPC or CPM Ads. Its a fact that AdSense works on the strategies of keyword and the blog post content you display in your site. So its must to optimize your site or blog for healthy earnings in less time. Hence today to increase its revenue sharing I came up with the Top 10 Best highest Paying keywords ever in 2014 just below. All you have to implement/use these keywords as your Blog niche or post content. Have fun!
Top 10 Highest Paying AdSense Keywords in 2014:
Keyword Cost | Per Click
1. Insurance $54.91
2. Mortgage $48.55
3. Attorney $47.07
4. Claim $45.51
5. Loans $44.28
6. Donate $43.02
7. Recovery $42.35
8. Lawyer $41.51
9. Treatment $37.18
10. Trading $33.19
All Done! Also this keyword density is being calculated on the basis of a survey by the webmasters.
So all you have seen above highest paying Google AdSense keywords, now use it in your site with blog post and boost your earnings. Note- Never try to stuff these keywords in your blog post for greater earnings, it will ultimately decrease your site REPO plus you may be hit by Google Penguin also. If you do Keyword stuffing regularly in every post it may also chances of disapproved your AdSense account shortly. Always write genuine post with genuine keywords.
Point to Remember– Eat less but better. Enjoy!
Top 10 Best Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords in 2023
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