Innumerable factors are leading the year 2016 to be the ‘year to start a blog .’ Many people like me and you started their blogs relating to food, travel, creativity, technical, business and much more. The people belonged to all the age groups like old, young, parents, full-time workers or part-time contract workers. Everyone had a different reason to get started then be it financial or creative. [Read more…]
Top 10 Genuine Reasons Why People Blog
Know Why your Blog Posts Were not Shared and Commented?
Well Its being a top question in everybody’s mind that why my blog posts were not shared and commented by their audiences. But do you know why? I must tell you later below. Sharing and Commenting of blog posts is only possible if you had good relationship between readers i.e Community! Apart from that, there are some other reasons also which are responsible for getting no shares and blog post comments. Its a clear fact to know how how much people reads your blog posts is via the number of comments and shares you get. So below are some reasons for why your posts were not commonly shared and Commented? [Read more…]
Reasons Why you are not Getting Enough Organic Traffic
I thought you might like to know some of the reasons & social media traffic on your website. Let me tell you that your website still does not organically rank on Google’s first page for most of the popular keywords, which means people searching for your products are not able to find you and you are losing traffic. Your loss is your competitors’ gain i.e. the traffic which could have generated quality sales, goes to your competitors as they rank well in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) organically. [Read more…]