Having your own website or blog is one of the most profitable things you could do nowadays. If done correctly and with the appropriate tools, you can drastically increase your income and enhance your budget. Nevertheless, this is no easy task. Without the basic knowledge or tools to actually drive a significant amount of traffic to your website your earnings will be almost nonexistent. Lucky for you, there´s a tool that can immensely increase your website´s traffic and thus, your profits. Stick around for a little bit of information about Webtexttool and how it works. [Read more…]
Essential Content Creation Tools For Successful Blogging
Essential Content Creation Tools For Successful Blogging!
As a blogger, you need to stay constantly updated with the latest trends in content creation. You also need to ensure that you upload daily fresh news and blog posts that will gather hundreds of views, likes and shares. It is extremely difficult to stay creative without some outside help, so this is why you should discover a few essential content creation tools that you can use every day or as needed.
Also SEE- 10 Awesome Tips to Improve your Blog Writing Skills Fastly
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Producing High-Quality Content for SEO
Far too often, website operators forget that quality content is the most important aspect of search engine optimization. It’s great to have lots of good keywords, but it’s important that those fit into content that benefits visitors to your site. Here are some tips for creating high-quality content with SEO in mind. Have a look and Enjoy. [Read more…]
How to Prevent Copying your Blog Content from RSS Feed Scrapers
If you have an decent blog and getting good amount of traffic then It might be chances of getting copied your blog post content every day by day. There are lots of owner of Spam sites which are doing this and finally got punished by Google Panda. Now a days its a huge problem and It’s very frustrating to see that someone is stealing your content without permission, monetizing it, outranking you in SERPs, and stealing your audience etc. Thus RSS Feeds are an excellent medium to get updated about the latest happenings on the Internet. Every blog does have it and whenever you publish an article, the RSS feeds is updated and the people who’ve subscribed to your feeds will get notified about the same via email. Therefore it is very difficult to fight with these content scraping people or blogs, hence today that’s why I came up with this post to stop RSS Feed Scraping. [Read more…]
Incoming search terms:
- https://www bloggingways net/how-to-prevent-copying-your-blog-content-from-rss-feed-scrapers/