To get higher rankings in SERP’s your blog post must be highly SEO optimized and well executed! You have seen some blog post with little content ranks much higher than any other ordinary post due to proper SEO techniques applied. Its all game of keywords and some knowledge. Hence it should be must that your post is SEO friendly to attract more visitors from search engines. So today I will teach you that How to Write a SEO Optimized Blog Post in Blogger as well as WordPress just below. Have a look! [Read more…]
Writing an Engaging Blog Post: Top 5+ Ways
Huh! Finally Exams are Over and its time for an Exciting blog post on Writing Engaging Blog Post Ever! Well Internet is all about reading articles and get knowledge but that makes it very difficult to get people to read your posts only. So That’s why making blog post engaging is too important, hence Reader engagement is must. Therefore you cant say your blog is successful unless until your posts are shared, commented, liked and readable. Hence writing engaging posts, ones that draw the reader in and invite them to join the conversation in the comments area. Articles with zero comments and not shared are worthless, So today I am going to write on How to Create an Engaging Blog Post in full details. [Read more…]
Producing High-Quality Content for SEO
Far too often, website operators forget that quality content is the most important aspect of search engine optimization. It’s great to have lots of good keywords, but it’s important that those fit into content that benefits visitors to your site. Here are some tips for creating high-quality content with SEO in mind. Have a look and Enjoy. [Read more…]
How to Prevent Copying your Blog Content from RSS Feed Scrapers
If you have an decent blog and getting good amount of traffic then It might be chances of getting copied your blog post content every day by day. There are lots of owner of Spam sites which are doing this and finally got punished by Google Panda. Now a days its a huge problem and It’s very frustrating to see that someone is stealing your content without permission, monetizing it, outranking you in SERPs, and stealing your audience etc. Thus RSS Feeds are an excellent medium to get updated about the latest happenings on the Internet. Every blog does have it and whenever you publish an article, the RSS feeds is updated and the people who’ve subscribed to your feeds will get notified about the same via email. Therefore it is very difficult to fight with these content scraping people or blogs, hence today that’s why I came up with this post to stop RSS Feed Scraping. [Read more…]
Incoming search terms:
- https://www bloggingways net/how-to-prevent-copying-your-blog-content-from-rss-feed-scrapers/
How to Find Blog Post Ideas?
Looking for Blog Post Ideas and didn’t find anyone, if Yes, then today I must tell you some tips to find lots of blog posts ideas to write a killer article in 2014. All you need a search idea to discover your own content. Therefore this post is very helpful for newbie bloggers who are willing to write more articles and Guest Post at different blogs. Well You can be a great writer but your stuck in the mud if you don’t have something to write about. So learn how to brainstorm new ideas in your Mind by having a look below – [Read more…]
How to Write Blog Post Title for High Search Engine Traffic
Blog Post Title is one of the main thing to take your blog to the next level through Search engines. Choosing and writing crispy post titles helps you a lot to attract huge targeted visitors. Your blog post title determines the CTR of your blog post, and a bad title will ensure you will not get enough traffic etc. Now today I will tell you some great 5 ways to write good blog post title for higher visibility in SERPS. Please read it carefully and implement in your blog posts for higher rankings! [Read more…]