Well YouTube is the most popular video publishing and sharing site, hence it’s a great place to publish your own video content for the purpose of driving traffic to your blog. Every day, YouTube gets massive amounts of traffic on the internet, but what I’d like to share with you in this post, are a few tips that I’ve used to get traffic from YouTube. Its a fact that usually people watch 15-30 minutes of video easily when they would never spend 15-30 minutes reading content in your website. He He! Now a days billions of users visit YouTube to watch videos, upload videos, share them, like them, do commenting and many more, Thus it turns to be a favorite time pass for modern webmasters. So lets know Some Traffic driving techniques from YouTube below. Enjoy…
How to Increase website traffic with YouTube in 2014- 10 Killer Ways
1. Create a YouTube Channel for Your Blog
Anyone can create a YouTube channel and brand it for their blog. Take a few minutes to create your own YouTube channel, so you can upload all of your blog-related videos to that channel. This makes it easy for you to promote your videos and for your audience to find them.
2. Now Create and Upload your Favorite Videos
Note- Your videos must be short and not more than 3 to 5 minutes. This can make people must watch your video online. Upload and Create videos in HD format so all people will definitely love it.
3. Target Popular keywords into your Video Description
Well this is an important aspect of YouTube SEO. The main thing with the video are the keywords you use in the Title and the Description. The Title factor also implies for YouTube videos too, because your videos are also crawled by search engines depending on the keywords used in the title and YouTube videos are the favorite one for search engine spiders. So please choose your keywords wisely and limit description character limit is set to 21.
4. Include Transcriptions
It’s also a great way to increase sharing, because people can quickly and easily share quotes from your text transcription in their own blog posts and social media posts etc.
5. Put your Blog/Site URL in the Video Starting
This would be the opening of your video introducing credits at the starting and links. So people can easily visit your blog for more information. Of course, include your blog URL in your YouTube channel description and your video description too.
6. Make your Video Public, allow Comments and let Sharing/Embedding On
The most important thing you need to do in order to use YouTube for blog marketing is to make sure your videos are public and allow people to comment on them. Also you should upload all of your videos so that anyone can share those videos with their own audiences and embed those videos on their own websites and blogs.
7. Adding Tags properly
Find out the most popular videos that belong to your niche and pick up the tags used in that video. You can find the tags under the “More info” section of a video. Now, use the same tags to your video. This strategy help you get listed under the “Related Videos” section of popular videos etc.
8. Promoting Videos
Finally Submit your Video to popular Directories, Search Engines, Social Sites and other Video Sharing Sites like Dailymotion. According to me for getting high traffic offline, this part is must.
9. Put your YouTube Video Channel icon or banner on your blog
You can also add a widget on your blog, that shows random videos from your channel. There are many ways to spread and share your videos online. The more you share, the more views you get. Now you can also embed your created videos in your articles.
10. Let your Video go Viral like Gangnam style
Create a controversial video that is most discussed on the web. Whether it a funny video or negative/positive review about a movie or a product, which will add some knowledge to your viewers who are willing view your video. The main aim of creating these viral videos should be such that, it should be shared among with third party via Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
Also SEE- How to Make your Video Popular in YouTube
That’s it for today! Have Fun…
Thanks for this content because before that I post two-three video in YouTube but still didn’t get the enough traffic from YouTube in fact you can say I get nothing. But from I try your guide steps and let you know what happen.
I am really glad that I have found this post and I thank you for letting us know about this information.This is a big help for sure!!Thanks!
Awesome list man…
Thank you.