Recovering from Google Panda Effect is too much hard as Google Panda is one of the most horrible word that sounds to online webmasters. As it aims to kill and eliminate low or thin content of site in SERP’s. Google Panda was first launched in 2011 with its first update and now reached upto 4.0. Hence it is a Google’s search engine’s latest algorithm by which quality sites comes first in search engines rather than low quality sites or blogs. In general, it can increase or decrease your site traffic in large amount. Google Panda proves to be good for some bloggers but it also becomes devil for some bloggers as well. According to SEO experts, Around 2% of the search engines will be effected regularly with this Panda. Now Before we move ahead with panda recovery tips 2014, I would like you to know Google panda is a domain level penalty, saying that what I meant is, earlier if you have low quality content, it will be your content which will be penalized but now if you have low quality content, your complete domain will be penalized. So lets know how to save/recover your site from Google Panda Effect in good way but first start with Which sites get penalized this Panda. Have a look!
Google Panda Penalizes Websites With
- Website with low quality (Thin content)
- Website which works as content farm
- Website with useless pages indexed in Google (Same as content farm)
- Too many broken/bad links (404 error)
- Website with not proper SEO structure
- Too many advertisements
- High Bounce Rate
- Poor Grammar and Spellings
- Poor Site loading time
- Over optimization (Black hat SEO)
How to find if Google panda algorithm affected your website or not?
Well there is no hard and fast rule for that, just look at your analytics and if you find traffic drops and your website getting eliminate from search results then it may be sure that your site is penalized by Google Panda Effect. You can take help of your Google Webmaster account. Now focus on How to Recover from it.
Tips on Recovering from Google Panda Effect:
1. Write Original and Quality Content
Always make sure you write pure original and Quality Post that makes you stand out of the crowd. Write more than 300 words a post and fill in with proper images. Take your time to post and deliver what you can best. Note- Quality matters most than Quantity. Its a fact that Google takes quality and length of the content very seriously fro now onwards. So better be prepared for it.
2. Remove duplicated and low content in your site
As per Panda, if you site has copied or low content then you get penalized for that. So delete all your duplicate content as soon as possible and update your low content with healthy and proper blog post content. Interlink your old blog post also for Better PageRank flow.
3. Remove Unnecessary Pages, Categories and Tags from Google search
This is one of the most important step to do in search engines. You might have observed that your tags, categories, date archive’s, Unwanted 404 pages gets indexed in Google so now remove it as quick a fast. Just keep them noindex and if they gets spread over Google search then remove it all by signing into your Google Webmaster account.
4. Focus on your Grammar and Spell Check
Do check and correct your Grammatical Mistakes in your articles to avoid Google Panda Effect. Always make a habit to read and cross check all your articles after writing it. Do not make any word red underlined as it marks for Spell Check.
5. Learn keyword Optimization not Keyword Stuffing
Learn SEO techniques wisely including Keyword Optimization in blog post. Highlight Important keywords with Bold letters, H2/H3 tag and put in the starting of the post. You can also insert your main keywords in your Blog post title, url structure and images ALT tag. Maintain Keyword density upto 5% per page and must provide every article with proper META description. Note- Please avoid Black Hat Keyword stuffing methods which can harm your site SEO in great way.
6. Remove all your broken Links
Must remove all your site broken links i.e 404 errors. Some great wordpress plugins like Broken Link Checker comes into play to find broken links in your site and fix’s them easily. Note- Broken links looks very ugly and makes navigation hard to your visitors.
7. Social Media Promotion is Must
Social media Promotion is great way to save our site from Google Panda Penalty. Specially Google+ votes, Digg, Facebook and Delicious worked for me great to boost my global rankings in short period of time. Use Social Media bookmarking buttons on your blog and ask people to share and bookmark your posts. Please read my below post for more information.
Also read- How to Promote your Blog Effectively with Social Media Marketing
8. Build High Page Rank Backlinks not Spammy one
Always build better and quality backlinks to your site not to adopt black hat SEO techniques for getting large amount of backlinks in less time. Note- Google now counts only Quality backlinks for judging PageRank. According to me, Guest Posting, Blog Commenting, Directory submission is the best way to get a quality backlink for your site.
Also read- Top 12 Link Building Methods You Should Try
9. Reduce your site load time
Focus on your site load time, reduce it as much you can. Use WordPress plugins like WP Super cache, W3 total cache etc to reduce your blog load time to great extent. You can also compress html and CSS of your site for more optimizing your load time.
10. Do not make your website as a fish of Advertisements
Never try to make or full your website/blog with lots of Advertisements there. Maintain a proper density of it. Also avoid pop up and hidden ads for making good navigation to people.
11. External Links
If you are one of those who are selling paid links or doing paid reviews about anything, you should stop doing it from now. Linking to bad neighborhood will significantly make difference in your search engine ranking. Use nofollow attribute while linking to poor and bad sites. Same goes for affiliate urls.
12. Reduce your Site Bounce rate
In simple words, Bounce rate is the percentage of visits, when a visitors lands on your blog post and leave the same page without visiting any other page. Sites with high Bounce rate gets penalized very much. Make sure to keep it low as much as possible by following some tips like open external links in new tab, less load time of your blog, easy to read articles, internal linking, Provide Search box and relevant links etc.
What to do after made changes to your site to fight against Panda?
So you got affected by Google panda and your traffic dropped. I hope by now, you have made the changes on your site/blog now to make it more search engine friendly and specially you got rid of low quality pages. Once you do changes with all the checklist above, now login to your Google Webmaster account and put a reconsideration request by following this link. Describe what happens to your blog there and submit the appeal. Now after 2-3 days you will get a message from Google saying whether your site is penalized or not. If penalized and you made the correct recovery changes, then your site must be re-indexed again and start will new beginning. That’s it!
Matt Cutts Point on Google Panda Effect
Important Note- You can also hire me for personal SEO coaching and consultancy, in which I will review your website and will help you to recover it from Google panda updates. You can contact me at for more details. Enjoy and Have a good time.
your post is awasome!
your writing skill is also good i bookmarked your site for future use
thanks 🙂
Thanks Chetan a lot…
How to Recover from Google’s Panda Effect- Best Tips
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