Making Money isn’t tough in todays world but you have to be very practical and hard working. Now a days there are lots of methods found on the Internet by which one can make large amount of money from the comfort of their Home. Writing Articles is one of them. Yes, its true people are earning thousands of dollars per month by writing quality articles. Clients and some websites are agreed to pay you some amount ($) on the basis of articles length i.e 500,1000 words article or more than it… This is also one of my favourite hobby to make money online as easy. Hence today I am going to tell you How writing articles makes you money and the top 10 websites which pays you by writing articles to them. Enjoy!
Top 10 Sites that pays you for Writing Articles in 2014:
1. About.Com
This is my Favourite one. is one of the most popular content network with millions of articles registered. Now you can apply for a Topic writer at there. Its a fact that offers the highest payout to its writers.
2. HubPages
HubPages is generally works as Revenue sharing sites. By submitting articles to HubPages, they provide you the space to add your own Google AdSense code and earn money when someone’s click it. One of main benefits of using HubPages is that you can get more n more traffic from search engines.
3. Squidoo
Squidoo pays you by placing ads on your articles and shares the revenue generated with you, keeping 50% of the revenue with itself. Here published page is termed as “Lens”.You can make even more money by using affiliate links on products you recommend. Its pays you through PayPal and more.
4. Helium
Helium is one of the popular platforms where you can make huge money writing articles from your Home. Share your knowledge on Helium and you will see how easy it becomes for you to make money online with your writings. Now you can earn money through incentive payments, exclusive assignments & performance bonuses based on the traffic your work receives.
5. Bukisa
Bukisa is a site to share your knowledge and earn money for that based on the traffic you gained. Publish articles on Bukisa, drive traffic and get earn money for every 1000 hits your page makes.
6. Triond
Triond is a new site that accepts original and quality articles to make you money from. Now by just writing 4 articles at Triond, you will be able to integrate AdSense in your posts or make a new approved account. They share almost 50% of the generated revenue with you.
7. Xomba
Again Xomba is a Google AdSense revenue sharing site where you can make money by submitting articles, opinion, news or anything. Here Posts are called Xombytes. Generally, Xomba is used to create quick backlinks and to drive heavy traffic to your blog etc.
8. Flixya
Flixya is a good site to share everything from writing articles, sharing videos and images also. The best part of this website is that you will be paid 100% of revenue that you make out from your content. Now Enjoy creating cool profiles and making friends online.
9. eCopywriters
eCopywriters hires copywriters to assist their clients in creating quality content. Keep Note- They’re looking for only professional copywriters only. Here one can earn upto $25 per hour for basic writing projects and more. Main topics to write are SEO, Blogging, Sales, Business, TV-Radio Commercials and Press Releases.
10. Break Studios
Break Studios is another good platform to earn money from writing articles on the topics given by the admin of the site. Your articles are needed to be approved first and once done, your article gets published, and you receive your payment via PayPal. Its simple.
Also see- Top Freelancing Websites to Make Money From Home
The list of online marketplaces for writers is huge, and perhaps one more addition that is specific to writing online college essays, articles and thesis is college essays online
That’s it! Have a Happy Writing Career and Make Huge Money. All the Best!
Very informative article. Thanks for this