Looking for Popular and Trending Twitter/ Facebook/ Google+ Hashtags to share on your Wall to increase your blog traffic and more clicks, If yes then you are at very right place as today I am going to write on this topic at large. Now a days many people use popular Twitter/Instagram or Facebook hashtags whenever possible to get more followers, comments & “Double Taps” (Likes). Hashtags can help get your message across and engage your audience in a picture. So before we start, let me tell you what is an Hashtag?
An Hashtag is a simple way for people to label and search for social media updates. Hashtags may be Trending or Off-topic as well. For example, popular hashtags such as #IPL, #WWE and #HappyNewYear etc.
So lets know some tools on How to find Popular and Trending Twitter Hashtags for today, Now you can use these hashtags in your Twitter Tweets, Facebook Status Updates and Instagram wall as well. Have a look!
Best Tools or Websites for Finding Popular/Trending Hashtags
1. Trendsmap
This is one of my favorite website which shows you the latest trends from Twitter, for anywhere in the world. Actually It tracks trending Twitter hashtags geographically and presents results in a visual map. Now You can also see trending + popular hashtags by country preference or enter a hashtag manually etc.
2. Hashtags.org
Another popular website which uses Twitter’s streaming API to bring users the data around any hashtags they may want to find etc. Now Just type a keyword or keyword phrasekeyword phrase without spaces b/w words into search box and Hit Enter, and you’ll get a lot of information back in terms of Histogram.
3. What the Trend
WhatTheTrend is a great resource for Twitter related stats and information. It’s main benefit is that it allows you to see global trends as well as country & even city data. Now It is owned by Hootsuite, So WTT being an great place to find Hashtags ideas and write posts on them at your blogs.
4. Hashtagify.me
It is the “Most Advance Twitter Hashtags Search Engine” ever, which allows you to search among 35,445,370 Twitter hashtags from their platform. Now you will get a list of current tweets that use’s hashtags as well as content from the web etc. Also this site is very much popular on Google now a days for finding trending topics.
5. Twubs
Last but not the least, Its Twubs. Just Go to Twubs, enter a keyword into the search box, and you’ll get a continuously updated stream of tweets using that hashtag plus a snapshot of the Twubs group members for that hashtag etc. I think its best for finding popular hashtags easily.
That’s it! Please share the article if you liked and also Comment below if you have any doubt left. Thanks and Good Night.
Great Collection , thanks for sharing helpful info & keep posting…
Hi Karan. I’m Jonah from Hashtagify.me. Thanks very much for mentioning our tool in your great article. Appreciate it a lot!:)
Have a great week!
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Hey i was not aware about the sites and tools of Hashtags ever exist. Thanks for all the list, i will surely use them for my work
Nice blog! And thanks for sharing worthly points. God Bless You!
thanks for good info..
Profiting Facebook hashtags is usually a great way to achieve those who an individual aren’t right linked to upon Facebook. Certainly where an regular article will still only be spread for a pals as well as followers, some sort of article which has a trending hashtag might be found out by anybody looking for, or perhaps talking over, that hashtag.
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Thank you for hashtags post. This information is very helpful to me..
Thanks for the Trending Hashtags, It will help to newbie.
thanks for the excellent Article, i will surely use them for my work. This Information helpfull for me
So far I have been using hash tags to find my own posts easier. If you use popular hash tags will it realy get your posts more shares?
Dear All,
Thanks For Sharing Information. Very Important Point For Works.
nice one
nice one thanks for sharing with us.
nice article thanks for sharing with us.
this is awesome information.
very helpful and informative thanks
Thank you for your nice information . My question is : how can i increase traffic from hash tags to my website ?
nice article good job
Nice topic you have write. I love this topic and nice blog.
Woohhh Really nice think thank you so much for sharing such a nice and use full thinks with us please keep updating this.
Thank you for This Post
this is awesome article.
Great post indeed
Useful post.