For every type of business, having the right domain name is critical to the success and effectiveness of your online content. If you don’t make the right choice, you won’t be able to switch in future without impacting your brand and search engine rankings adversely. As such, selecting the most suitable domain name from the very beginning is extremely important.
Because we all would not want to make a mistake when starting a blog or website, the task of selecting a domain name might prove stressful. Here are some practical tips to help make the process of picking a suitable domain name easier.
How to Choose the Best-Suited Domain Name for Your Blog
Stick with .com if you can
Aside from being the most established and trustworthy extension, .com domain names are also the most memorable. Added to the fact that smart phone keyboards usually have a .com button, many average users will type .com at the end without thinking about it. So if your website’s address is something like, many of your potential visitors will land on an error page having accidentally typed Sticking with .com is the smart way to avoid such risks.
Choose an appropriate domain name extension
This is the suffix added at the end of a website’s address. Aside from the original .com, .net, and .org, several other domain name extensions are currently available. From .photography and .blog to .lawyer and .pizza, most of the newer extensions are function-specific. As such, choosing the best-suited option for your business is important.
Although the .com extension remains the most popular, it has been around for such a long time getting a short, memorable domain name might prove a lot harder than you’d expect. On the other hand, the newer extensions provide a great opportunity to register short, highly relevant domain names.
Use keywords
Keywords are a vital part of any domain name, particularly because the inclusion of keywords is one of the best and easiest ways to tell search engines what your blog or website is about. Alongside good user experience and quality content, the use of keywords in your domain name will probably boost your ranking in Google. However, finding a good domain name that features your target keywords won’t be easy, particularly since you need one that is not trademarked, copyrighted, or in use. Even if you choose to use one of the new domain extensions, creativity is the key to making your domain name stand out. Combining your keywords with other words is a good way to get started.
Keep it short, simple, and memorable
Although keywords are vital, you’ll want to have a short, simple and catchy domain name. With millions of registered domain names to contend with, it’s best to keep yours under 15 characters, especially since longer domain names are harder to remember. Additionally, users are more prone to misspelling or mistyping long, complex domain names, as a result of which you might lose out on a significant amount of traffic. Short, simple, and catchy is the way to go. Consider a domain name that’s as short and easy to memorize as
Make it easy to spell and pronounce
You never know how, when or with whom you’ll need to share your domain name. As such, it should be easy to share through both spoken and written words. You must, therefore, select a name that the majority of your potential visitors will find easy to pronounce, spell, and understand.
Make it easy to type
Making your domain name easy to type is crucial to online success because you can lose lots of traffic to typos. For instance, domain names like can result in lost traffic because they are much more prone to typos. As such, it helps to avoid domain names with doubled letters. Also, using words with multiple spellings or slang could make it harder for potential visitors to find your site. But take for instance a domain like, the domain name is easy to type and straight to the point.
Avoid numbers and hyphens
Numbers are often misunderstood. Those who hear your site’s address won’t know whether to spell out the number or use its numeral denotation. If you must include a number, make sure you register both variations with various domain extensions to be safe. Hyphens, on the other hand, are often a sign of spam domains, an unhealthy association that might give the wrong impression. Additionally, hyphenated domain names are prone to typos. In fact, if you choose to include hyphens because a competitor has already taken your preferred domain name, some of your potential customers will inadvertently end up on the competitor’s website.
Leave room for expansion
Choosing a domain name that relates to your niche is smart because it gives users a sense of what your website is about. You shouldn’t, however, limit your options. For instance, if you are a florist and you select a domain name like, the name will probably limit your ability to attract those interested in any other type of flower beside roses once you expand and start dealing with a wider variety.
That’s it!
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For every type of business, having the right domain name is critical to the success and effectiveness of your online content. If you don’t make the right
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