Want to Create a Brand for yourself but don’t know what to do or what to not, So read this today’s post carefully and SEE SOME BRANDING MISTAKES TO MUST AVOID. Well Brand simply means creating an identity for your business thus it takes hard work and lots of time, People thinks creating a brand is easy but its not as there are many mistakes you will definitely done without guidelines. Brands like McDonald, Apple, Nike etc are made with proud and their quality work. People try to recognize them with the special symbol and identity. So therefore I am going to write an detailed post on Top 5+ Branding Mistakes you should be careful of just below.
Before starting the article, lets have some questions related to the brand?
Does your brand mark leave an impression?
Does your tag line create a memorable experience?
Am I speaking to my audience?
What does your name imply?
Top 6 Branding Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2014-
1. The Wrong Name
Lets start with the first branding mistake, i.e Selection of the Wrong Name. A company’s name can make all the difference in the world and with an wrong name, all its business flops. The brand name is just simple to recall and pronounce. The words should roll right off the tongue rather than make people uncomfortable saying it aloud. Hence brand’s name should be totally different from others and be unique. Also the brand name should be matching with your work niche.
2. No commitment
I have noticed some brands commitment not able to complete what it says properly. Hence your business should have an commitment to the work and do as speaks. This means that there is no unity within an organization. Therefore Sales representatives and other consumer-facing employees might project an image that’s entirely different from the brand that marketing is trying to develop etc.
3. Broken Promises
Well Consumers should definitely hold businesses accountable for their promises. If part of your brand is a guarantee of fast and reliable service, then that should always be provided. Here comes the reputation of your brand, so never broke your promises what you says to the customers. Your company will quickly feel the negative affects. Ideally, you would be able to give the world to your clients, but that’s not always feasible.
4. Not listening to your audiences
This is truly horrible if you are doing exactly that! Not listening to your audiences means not taking their proper feedback’s and making what they demands. So audiences are a great source of information about how your organisation is seen , and getting input from many perspectives is important to the branding process. Hence listen them and bring the change what they like.
5. Neglecting Social Media
Social Media websites like Facebook, Google +, Youtube and Twitter are a new battleground for managing your brand’s reputation. Therefore Neglecting it means losing all your fans and following online. This directly decrease your brand’s influence and exposure going viral at internet. Thus sites like Facebook keeps your status alive and sites like YouTube helps in spreading your video etc.
6. Unfit Logo
Your brand is not your logo. It is the perception that your audiences have of your organisation and is formed through everything that you do. So the logo is an important part of this, but thinking about the messages that people get from your organisation as a whole will give you a better foundation for your fresh brand. Therefore Selecting or choosing bad logo that unfits your brand is totally wrong!
Final Words:-
I hope the above article definitely helps you in creating your own brand and ignoring this popular branding mistakes in the future. Note- Your Brand is your identity everywhere, So choose and Make it carefully. Till then Good Bye and share this if you liked! Peace and Blessings, Enjoy…
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