BUILDING SAFE BACKLINKS FOR YOUR BLOG IN 2014 is one of biggest aim for every blogger to get higher pagerank after Google Penguin. Backlinks are nothing other than a link pointing to your site, thus the more no. of backlinks you have the more page rank and traffic you get but note I am saying for quality backlinks. Now after Penguin, quantity of backlinks doesn’t matters also it harms your site too. Spam and poor backlinks can ruin your blog rank and makes all your efforts and hard work goes in vain. Therefore To boost your SEO SERP’s ranking, you need to build natural links from other higher authority sites. So today I am going to tell you some tips on How to Build Safe (Natural) backlinks in 2013-14.
What are Penguin Safe Backlinks?
Well I mean those backlinks that should be loved by Google Penguin and doesn’t let your site down while update. In other words, White Hat SEO Backlinks. Hence they will not make any harm to your sites in search engine result pages.
How to Build Safe Backlinks for your Blog- Hot Tips
1. Below are the best and safe ways to get quality backlinks to your site- Guest Posting, Blog Commenting, Use Forums, PageRank Directories, Press Release Sites, Social Bookmarking Sites, Article Submission websites etc.
For more Details, Read this- Top 12 Link Building Methods You Should Try
2. Stop Spamming links by using any automated software. for ex- Directory Submitting Software.
3. Always Use Varied Anchor Text as to safeguard yourself from Google penalties because of duplicate anchor text distribution.
4. Don’t ever try or generate backlinks in bulk or by any online/pinging sites.
5. Try to be Natural, Relevant and do Safe blog commenting with proper name, email id, website and peaceful comment!
6. Never buy or purchase any Backlinks Building Services for your blog i.e from Fiverr.
7. If you got hit by Google Algo, then must use Google Disavow tool to improve your blog links quality again.
8. Don’t get links from poor/lower domain authority sites. This also decreases your Brand Name too.
That’s all !
Final Words:
I hope now you will realize the important of quality link building and know the exact backlink generation method to be loved by Google Penguin in future. Note- Never adopt any Black Hat Methods to produce bulky Spam links otherwise Penguin will punish you for that. Never run for Page Rank, hence it will follow you automatically by natural link building etc. That’s it!
I got a huge information about safe back links from this article. I follow these tips definitely to get safe back links. Thanks for sharing.
Back links are most important for SEO. You provided the points in this blog to create back links for Google really awesome. Thanks a lot for your valuable information.